Professional Golf Lessons - Thomas Tucker
WGTF "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
  -   USGTF Certified Class "A" Professional
IGCPA Certified Golf Psychology Coach  Cell (716) 474-3005

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Before you embark on any program like this, get approval from your personal physician.

Here are my full body routine exercises:

  1. Narrow grip bench press
  2. Vertical leg press (machine) substitute squats
  3. Horizontal row (machine) substitute bent over barbell or dumbbell rows
  4. Seated overhead military dumbbell press
  5. Deadlift with trap bar - can be done with straight bar, but the trap bar is easier on the back
  6. Tricep extensions, with dumbbells, bent over
  7. Military curl with EZ curl bar
  8. Shrugs with trap bar - can be done with straight bar, but the trap bar is easier on the back
  9. Optional: Chin ups (one set)
For my home basement gym, I use two machines a TDS Vertical Leg Press Machine a TDS Seated Rowing Unit and a TDS Bench Press Bench Unit with the Safety Stands from New York Barbells. They have rock solid equipment and very reasonable pricing. I bought their TDS brand. When these are back in stock I'm getting one: C-PRO 91205-W - POWER BENCH SYSTEM for the safety feature. You can go to momentary muscular failure without the danger of injury from the olympic bar, which I only use for bench pressing anyway.

Sets and reps: I cycle between a one high intensity working set and 3 sets of 8-10 reps routine, progressive.

Always do one warmup set, and have catch racks or a spotter for safety.

Progression for the one high intensity working set (HIT) routine: Warmup set at about half of your working weight, then one set of 8 to 12 reps to momentary muscular failure. Add one rep every 3rd workout. This is the Arthur Jones Nautilus model, Google "Dr Doug McGuff" , and here's a great video of him explaining strength training for health and longevity.:

Progression for 3 set routine from workout to workout: 8-8-8, 9-8-8, 9-9-8, until you get to 10/10/10 then add weight and drop back to 8/8/8. This is the Watson and DeLorme Progressive Resistance Training model, here's a link to an abstract of their study: >Progresive Resistance Exercise and here's a link to the book: P.R.E Progressive Resistance Exercise it's well worth a read.

Workout 2 times per week, concentrate on what the weight is doing to your muscles, not what your muscles are doing to the weight.

I favor the one high intensity (HIT) working set routine, but I take a break from it every few months and go with the 3 set routine for a short period of time, then back to the HIT routine.

Your body will tell you what works best for you.

Get enough sleep and have enough protein in your diet - about .08g protein per lb of your target weight. I drink about three of these protein drinks daily, coincidentally the same ones Bryson DeChambeau drinks ( I was drinking them before he did) : Orgain Organic Grass Fed Protein Shake, Vanilla Bean, 26g Protein. Low calorie(150) and high protein (26g), a great combination

Workout Tracking Spreadsheet Excel
Workout Tracking Spreadsheet pdf
Professional Golf Lessons - Thomas Tucker
WGTF "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
USGTF Certified Class "A" Professional
IGPA Certified Golf Psychology Coach
What Students Have To Say
Email: Cell (716) 474-3005

Copyright © 2010 Tom Tucker Golf