Professional Golf Lessons - Thomas Tucker
WGTF "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
  -   USGTF Certified Class "A" Professional
IGCPA Certified Golf Psychology Coach  Email:  Cell (716) 474-3005

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 Lesson Testimonials 

After I give lessons, I ask my students for feedback via email, several are below ... Tom.

Hi Tom

Like to report back after a couple weeks of practice sessions and it seems my shanks are a thing of the past time. My confidence is growing back healthy. Currently working on compression.

Thank you again

P.S.I been bragging your name on how you helped me.

Joshua S.

Thank you Tom. Great Driver lesson today.

You knew how to diagnose the problem and fix it in just a few swings. A testament to your instructional skills.

Don C.


I'd like to first start off by saying thank you. You are a tremendous teacher and make learning the complicated game of golf seem much easier. I did the 5 lesson package, and feel that I walked away more confident, and also knowing what to do to help improve my game.

I throughly enjoyed your teaching approach, I never felt embarrassed when I would have a miss or bad shot. You knew how to correct form and achieve the result we were looking for.

You can tell how much you care about the game of golf and helping others improve theirs. There is a lot of information to process and go over, which I enjoy because you always have something to work on while at the range to get better.

The biggest take away for me after these 5 lessons is how comfortable I feel over the ball, that always felt awkward before. Also having the tools when I hit a bad shot - the steps to correct it, but more when hitting a good shot what was done right. In the past on a bad or good shot I wouldn't have know what was done correctly or not, or how to fix it.

I'd highly recommend you to anyone looking to improve their game, no matter the level of golfer you are. I look forward to more lessons in the future.

Thank you.

Andrew LaForce

Editors note: this was an unusually compressed lesson package, theee swing lessons in one week at the clients request.

Hi Tom,

Well, tourney 1 in the books, and I didn't become an expert golfer overnight, BUT, I gotta say I am sooooo impressed with how well my game had improved!!!!!!

I honestly didn't expect that good of results. 80% of my hits were drastically improved from all previous years. And when I hit it wrong, I knew what I did wrong and could adjust next shot,

Just wanted you to know how pleased I am with the results! Thank you again my man!!! Really pleased!

Luke Giannone


I really enjoyed the lessons and the layout of them. For me the timing of once a week was perfect because it allowed me time to practice between sessions. Having you help me develop my "cues" during my different swings was a real game changer.

Thanks again and I will be booking again for sure!

Ben Flansburg

Hi Tom,

Your encouraging words after every lesson were very helpful, sending me notes for me to review was a great asset. I look back on them all the time. Not knowing what to expect you opened my eyes on how to address and hit the ball. I thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with you and would highly recommend your lessons.

Thank you,

Tim Royce

This testimonial was unsolicited:

Thanks Tom, I looked forward to every lesson. Your step by step process was exactly what I needed, and your follow up notes will be a good point of reference. I feel that I now have a baseline to improve my game and knowledge to make some on course corrections.

Thanks again

Phil Wolfley

This testimonial was also unsolicited:

Hey Tom it's Kyle J, I was hoping to set up another lesson with you. I really liked the lessons we had and found them very informational and has helped my golf game a lot.

The weekend after our first lesson I ended up winning the "B" Flight of the Club Championship at Batavia CC, and the lesson we had the week before really helped me play the best I could that weekend.

Thanks again,

Kyle Johnson

Good morning Tom,

Just a note of thanks for the recent lesson. It really paid off!

I shot 79, 81 over this past weekend in the Cazenovia Club Championship. and finished 1st place in my class by 11 shots!

I hope we can get together for a round before the season ends.

You're the man!

Kevin Garry

Thanks coach. I really enjoyed learning the basic skills needed for my new retirement activity. It was fun being the student/athlete again.

You did a great job breaking down the skills for me to practice and put into play. I hope to see you in the clubhouse.

Dave Seward

Tom - We really enjoyed our golf lessons with you. We looked forward to it every week. I've never swung a golf club in my life, and in about 6 weeks I went from not even hitting the ball most of the time to being able to hit the ball with my driver about 150 yards more consistently. I knew it was possible, but I really didn't know where to start.

Thank you for being patient but at the same time it's obvious you have very high standards. We really like that about you. At times the technical language was a lot to process for a newbie...but in the end it made sense. We appreciated all of the drills and the technique.

Now after your beginner package we are having a lot of fun on the golf course. Worth every penny. We can't thank you enough!

Rebecca & Suzanne

Hi Tommy, I can't thank you enough for the lesson. My driving has improved significantly and I'm starting to score !!

I concentrate everyday on the drills you gave me and am completely focused when I play!!!

You're the man!


Tim Buckley

Tom, Thank you so much for the outstanding golf lessons! You are a natural born teacher.

I really appreciate your patience, vast knowledge,and understanding of the game of golf. You provided me with all of the tools necessary to improve my swing and my game. After each lesson, I became more and more motivated to work on what I had learned.

Being the organized person I am, I especially enjoyed having my personalized webpage you provided, including detailed notes, drills, links to videos, and lesson feedback. Your drills are so helpful! My body is finally comprehending the techniques of the golf swing, stroke, body alignment, pre-shot routines and so much more!! Thank you for always having the perfect trick up your sleeve - (or apparatus in your truck) - to demonstrate the lessons perfectly!!

I'll keep practicing and will always remember to "Unleash the Beast"! (Editor's note - this was a phrase we came up with to remind Kathy to execute her technique with authority - not passively.)


Kathleen Starkweather

This was a fantastic experience for me. I was struggling with my game and the 5 lesson package helped more than I anticipated. The chipping and putting lessons alone have instantly saved me strokes. Tom's ability to read me as the lessons were in progress made me feel like he is in tune with the slightest details of the golf swing and what was right for me to be a better golfer. His attention to detail proves that he has studied all aspects of the game and is prepared to teach you at the level and speed you need to learn.

Jim Luttrell

I've been golfing about 10 years now and have taken many lessons from a couple of different instructors. There have been many ups and downs: learning the basics, playing poorly at first, playing better, getting bad habits, getting frustrated, taking a lesson, then repeat.

After taking the 5 lesson package with Tom, I feel like he was really able to narrow down the bad habits I had and show the correct way to swing each club. Using drills and key phrases to remember them was a big help. Also having all the lesson notes on my own page was really helpful to recall what I learned. With all my previous lessons, I feel like I forgot what I learned by the next season (or the next week!). I will definitely be referring back to them in the future.

After some practice with all of my new knowledge and working out some kinks, I played the best 9 holes of my life this week. Most of my other rounds this season have been in the mid to upper 50s. This week I shot a 42! While 4 months pregnant!

Thanks for the help and the confidence Tom!

Jessica Jolliff


It's been several weeks since my last lesson, and I must say that I have seen an improvement in my game. The first time I played, post lessons, I did poorly, and was wondering if I had learned anything. But then I started to replay your words in my head before taking a shot, for example, "straight back, straight through". That actually helped. Of course it would, you have a purpose for all of your statements, slogans, mantras, etc.

Having never played golf before, and beginning at age 74, I questioned whether or not lessons would do anything positive for me - can you teach an old dog new tricks? Well apparently you can,Tom.

One sign that I actually learned something, is that I was regularly losing 8 or ten balls per 9 holes. Now I rarely lose one. Also, whiffing on the ball has all but disappeared.

I appreciate that you tailored the lessons to my age group. I like the pre-lesson notes you send, and of course the post lesson review with recommendations.

Your knowledge of the game and its intracacies, coupled with your affable demeanor made for a fun experience. I could write a book on what I liked about the lessons!

I look forward to more lessons in the future, after all of this sinks in a little more.

Please feel free to share my comments as you wish.


Nick Ilasi

P.S. I especially liked winning the ten dollars from you as a result of the putting drill.

Hi Tom,

Loved the golf lessons. You really packed a lot of information into those 5 lessons. I especially liked the various drills and personal notes on the ones for me to focus upon. I do chipping and putting practice nearly every day and feel much more confident that I can improve when I actually play.

I also liked that you explained why we were doing a particular drill and the mechanics behind it.

When I came for these lessons, you were basically my last hope. I was ready to quit the game, it was so frustrating to not have any consistency. Your positive attitude and encouragement along with a great learning experience has given me a renewed interest in the game.

Thank you so much.

Carolyn Bongi

Hi Tom, I can't thank you enough for starting me on the path to a better golf swing. I felt I hit about 60% of the balls well and a few were like "rockets"! Going to hit balls tomorrow morning to ingrain the three key ideas from the lesson.

Thanks for watching after the lesson. I will concentrate on the follow through.

From a teacher evaluation standpoint. You asked me my goal, you gave me enough training to improve my swing but not too many changes that I would not be able to remember them tomorrow. I feel like I can replicate the swing tomorrow.

You exceeded my expectations.

I can't wait to hit balls again tomorrow and bring it to the course. My goal tomorrow in league is to make good contact, the score will follow.

Don Chmielowiec

I've been golfing for thirty years. This is the first time I've taken lessons. I love the game of golf but have been struggling with a bad slice and a hard time with my chipping.

From the very first lesson, I've learned how to strike the ball properly. The sequence of the lessons put me on the right track of the proper swing. The putting lesson gave my more confidence and has improved my putting. I know with more practice and playing I can be the golfer I always wanted to be. I'm hitting the ball longer and with more control. My drives are unbelievable. Long and straight. The training videos and lesson notes will come in handy to keep me on track.

Thanks Tom,

Fred McVay

Hi Tom, here's my feedback response to my lesson package with you:

1) I looked forward to each lesson and have rededicated myself to practicing, indicating a trust that I developed from our experience together.

2) I intend to stay in touch with you in order to continue learning.

3) Especially useful to me is your use of practice drills which you conveniently make available via communication technology and which I can retrieve from my stored files.

4) I've experienced that any lack of full understanding of technique and implementation becomes more and more clear as I practice the drills.

Thank you

V. James (Jim) Monaco, Jr.

The lessons were great, Tom. Having been playing for 15 or so years on and off, it now feels like I am starting all over again. And thats a positive! I was constantly shown the wrong way on how to strike the ball, or the same old "keep your head down." All without proper instruction.

I cannot say that I am completely fixed, because I have some serious practicing to do. But I can say that I feel very confident that with the tools that you've given me, to greatly improve on my game. I may have been expecting a little too much upon my first lesson. I think that may be the drive in me to succeed, that I want immediate results. But I understand now, that thats only possible with practice and solid effort.

I really appreciate the emails at the end of our lesson. I can see that you really put time and effort into each and everyone of your students. And thats wonderful. I have nothing but positive things to say to my friends and family about your lesson package. I would not hesitate to recommend one of them to you, if they are in need of a tune up. Their swings look a lot better than mine tho!! Im sure that I will be needing a tune up as well in the future.

Thanks again, Tom. I really do appreciate it.

Take care,

Jared B.

Hi Tom, first of all I hope all is well.

I really enjoyed the lessons you provided and I am starting to see some definite improvements in my game. When I first began lessons I was suffering in ball striking and distance. As I continue to practice and perform the exercises you have provided my game and my confidence has greatly improved.

I think the way you structure your lessons in beginning with the ball striking lesson 1st is definitely a big plus.

This past weekend I played the finals for the C class players in my golf league (Buffalo Golf Club of Western New York - 19 and up handicap) and won the finals match play last Saturday.

I believe if it weren't for the lessons you provided I would of never even made the 1st cut. My handicap has dropped 3 strokes in the last month and it is still in the downward trend. I definitely will be interested in further lessons in the future and I look forward to working with you again.

I have highly recommended you to many people and hopefully they will take the same steps I have. Once again a big THANK YOU for a fantastic job working with me.


Hi Tom! Jason and I were discussing our lessons last night and how glad we are that we took them (especially me!). It is frustrating to continue to play golf badly if you can improve your game immensely just by taking lessons. You have corrected everything on me including the proper stance, grip, swing and how to line up the driver. Golf is apparently one of those games that looks deceptively easy!

I thought the lessons were perfect the way they were! I understand how you have to build up from the basic swing and correct form to the full drive and then on to chipping and putting. I very much appreciate you changing up the order when requested when I was so frustrated with my driver that I wouldn't use it anymore. My driver and I are now friends again thanks to you! My putting has improved immensely and I will keep working on the chipping. I also loved that the lessons were direct and to the point and you made sure that my form was correct. I am looking forward to implementing what I learned on the course and improving my game. I definitely anticipate working with you again in the future to make further corrections as needed.

I know Jason was so happy after his swing lesson last night! He said he was so happy he took the lessons from you to straighten out his swing! We are so looking forward to the rest of the golfing season and would definitely recommend you for anyone looking to improve their game or learn correct form from the start.

Thanks again and I am sure our paths will cross again!

Linda Tomporowski,

Hi Tom:

I found my golf lessons to be very informative and extremely beneficial. I have already seen improvement in my game.

Your emails before and after the lessons are excellent tools to help remember all of the aspects taught at our lessons. I looked forward to my lessons each week and you provided me with some much needed confidence in my ability to play the game of golf. Thanks to you I might actually enjoy playing the game of golf and not get so frustrated.

My husband and I took lessons last year from another professional at (name of country club in Rochester withheld by editor) which I thought was a big waste of money. The lessons we received there came no where close to the level at which you teach and the in-depth knowledge you provide at your lessons.

I will stay in touch and let you know if I reach my goal to beat my husband in a round of golf this year.

Thanks again for everything,

Lynette C.

Editor's note - this student is in his eighties, with the enthusiasm of a student in his twenties!

Hi Tom,

I've been working on the swing pointers you've recommended, with and without club in hand. Have also hit balls several times in the golf dome with some good results, but also some power leaks.

Per your recommendation, I picked up a mirror at Walmart as well.

My wife found the DVD you recomended on Ebay and it arrived yesterday. With just a look at one if the discs, as you predicted, I love it, and am eager to review it all. It opened my eyes to what I've been doing and what I should be doing.

I think I'll be a better pupil when we next meet. Thank you for your help and patience.

Tom, you have a great ability as a teacher to get into the mind of the pupil, recognizing not only his possibilities, but also working around his limitations. Your enthusiasm is contagious and inspiring. To get a phone call at home concerning something covered on a lesson is highly unusual, but much appreciated, as are your detailed email reports and reminders following each lesson.

You are truly special!

I look forward to our next encounter.

Jim Powers

My wife and I had never played golf, but we were both eager to learn. Tom focused our attention during each lesson to very specific goals, and provided us small things to work on between lessons. We learned the basic mechanics of various swings used in golf (putting, chipping, full swing) and had a lot of fun!

It has been a month or so since our last lessons, and we are enjoying trying to improve our golfing. I definitely plan on going back for more instruction.

Thanks Tom,

Tony Lister

Hi Tom,

I researched golf instructors prior to taking lessons. Your lessons are our first lessons! Your webpages and weekly newsletter are very helpful to learn about you. Your teaching philosophy and golf mechanics resonated with me prior to the lessons. Thus, we chose to travel to you for lessons. (Editors note: Dave and his wife Wendy travelled 60 miles each way for their couples lessons)

I knew we would need to change our golf mechanics to become better. Your lessons are well organized and in good logical order. Each lesson improved our game and confidence for putting, chipping and full swing.

You use of training aids and alternatives is excellent. After seeing so many training aids on the market, we are glad to hear first hand experience and thoughts.

Although time was limited to get all your information across to the student, I greatly appreciated your responses to questions on special situations a golfer may confront.

It is obviously that you have researched your golfing materials and your experience playing and coaching at a high level adds to the quality of your lessons. Those have helped you become an excellent instructor.

Overall, the lessons were worth our time and travel. To improve, we knew we needed to take lessons from someone with similar golf philosophy. For us, change was necessary and you helped provide the catalyst and underpinnings to improve our respective golfing experience.

Thanks Again,

Dave Bray

Hi Tom,

I want you to know that I really enjoyed your lessons. I feel that I really understand where I was going wrong with my swing. I like the way you made sure I understood what you what you were showing me. I like the drills you recommended and how they pertained to my swing problem.

I was also impressed with Plum Creek Driving Range. Very well kept and clean with good prices.


Dan Edwards

P.S. Thanks for he extra time you spent with me.


Thanks for your help during the past couple of seasons. I have been able to drop my score into the mid 80s with the best being a 82 twice. Your weekly email tips has augmented the lessons . It is short and to the point. Keep up the great work. All the best for a great 2015

Alan Ley

Hi Tom,

I just wanted to thank you for all your help. I came to you 2 years ago when I was struggling to hit the ball with any club, and my handicap had gone from 8 to 12.

Since I have seen you 5 times in the past 2 years, I've been a lot better. My handicap is currently 5.3 and I've won 2 club championships and played great in various other tournaments.

I will continue to come to you in times of need and before tournaments to freshen up my swing.

You have done wonders for me and I wanted to say thanks!

Joe Bogue

Hi Tom,

Your lessons were truly the first time someone explained what is important about the swing and the game of golf, and why. You are passionate about the game, and you don't teach quick fixes to get immediate results.

I will let you know how my season goes as I will be playing in numerous tournaments for work in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks again,

John Sabo

(Editors Note: this student had a putting lesson on Wednesday, a chipping lesson on Thursday, played golf on Friday and sent me this email after her round. Also note that I mandate that all my students refer to themselves as "excellent putters" because if you don't think it, it won't happen. Tom)

Hi Tom,

Thanks for 2 excellent lessons and for providing honest feedback. Your teaching techniques, drills and tips gave me a tremendous boost in my confidence as well as a solid foundation toward playing better and better golf. I can attest to the fact that your are a top 100 teacher, or as I said "a top 10"!!

Because I love to practice, I really appreciate all of the drills you incorporate into your lessons. Also, the pre and post lesson e-mails are invaluable and will help to reinforce what I learned.

Today I played 18 holes at Batavia CC and broke 100 for the first time ever there. In fact, I shot 51-45 with 5 pars (holes 4,12,13,14 and 16). All pars were made with 1 putt... I struggled with my putts on the front nine but got better as I became more and more comfortable with my grip and stance and stayed true to the pre-shot routine.

I am confident I will break 90 this season because I am an excellent putter!!

Best Regards,

Karen Kosciolek


Thank you for the golf lessons.

The lessons were exactly what I needed, and probably should have happened years earlier.

I was very pleased with the methodical, step-by-step explanation of the various strokes (compression, chipping, putting, driver) and the specific practice drills designed to help me to "own" them.

I appreciated the detailed explanations (in language I could understand) for each topic.

Thanks again for you time and expertise.

Kevin McLaud

Hi Tom, really enjoyed the lessons. Had lessons before which obviously didn't help much. After searching the web I saw your site & was really impressed. So much information... I'd thought I'd give you a try at fixing my problems.

Originally I was looking to fix my driving which was the worst part of my game, but I liked your sequence of ball striking first, etc. After 40 years of golfing, I realized how much I was doing incorrectly. The technical explanations opened my eyes. I'm glad I picked the package to cover all aspects - I would suggest that to anyone who is looking to improve.

I especially liked the review notes you sent so I can refer to them. So far I've only been to the range & can see the difference. I do catch myself reverting to my old habits at times but now I know how to fix it. Just remembering one key thought & it straightens right out - amazing.

I can't wait to see what happens on the course. At least I have my confidence back. I'll update you after playing a few rounds.

Thanks Tom,

Rich Howe.

Tom - your lessons worked for me.

My last three rounds have been in the 70's including my best ever score of 75 on a difficult par 72 course.

I have played golf for over 40 years and always struggle to keep a single handicap. After two lessons with you, my ball striking is the best it has ever been.

Birdies come a lot easier when you are on the green in regulation.

Hope to see you next year for some tune-up.

Best regards, Craig
C. Craig DeMuth DVM

Hi Tom -

Here is some feedback for you, feel free to use any of this as a testimonial.

Overall, I really enjoyed our lessons. For the first time, I really feel like I know what I am actually doing when I swing the club. Not that I always do it right, but I know what I should be doing, and why. That is a very good feeling.

My favorite part of the whole process was the preview/review notes. This appealed to me very much, and is one reason I called you initially. When I had lessons previously with someone else, I sent him a similar profile prior to the lessons just because I thought it made sense to do so. He did not request it, but I thought it was an obvious thing to do. And the review of each lesson and preview of the next lesson was very helpful to have in writing. It is too much to remember in your head all at once. As you said, I have printed everything and put it in chronological order in a notebook, so now I can refer to it.

As for the lessons themselves, they were great. I was amazed, and still am, that we did not take a full swing until the final lesson. I now see why, but I just can't imagine any other instructor doing that. But I think it makes a lot of sense.

I feel like you are better suited to teach "good" players than high handicappers because you really know a lot about the swing and a lot of it might be over the head of golfers who are not swing fanatics. But, you said you talk to golfers like that a bit differently, so maybe it all works out. I may be totally off base here; I probably am. For me, your approach definitely works.

I felt immediate improvement throughout the lessons. After the putting and chipping lessons I played and shot 78 with seven up-and-downs, 29 total putts, and I made six putts between 3-6 feet in length. Straight back, straight through! I also saw dramatic improvement during my full swing lesson, and that is when I think I started to really understand what I should try to be doing with my arms, stance, etc. I look forward to hitting balls with a purpose now!

Thanks much. I will let you know how things go.

Eric Stone


I could write a three page letter to tell you what you and your lessons have done for my golf game. But I will only touch on a few things.

Two years ago I was an 18 handicap golfer, after the first year of taking lessons with Tom I ended the year as a 13 handicap golfer.

This spring I told Tom if I could hit my driver a little longer I would be a better golfer.

After a lesson or two Tom had figured out my driver shaft was wrong for my swing. So I ordered a new driver shaft that he had recommended for my swing. After I hit the new driver,I called Tom and told him "He was a genius" I was hitting my driver better than I ever had before.

Tom breeds confidence into his students. He told me "you are a better golfer than you think you are, you need to believe in yourself" so I did, and after that my scores improved.

At the end of this year my handcap is now a nine thanks to Tom Tucker.

Just so everyone knows - I have taken lessons from other Pro's and they don't compare to Tom Tucker. I will keep taking lessons from Tom and have reffered my golfing buddies to Tom because they have seen the great improvement in my golf game over the past two years.

Thanks Tom,

Jeff Marcy Sr.

Chris Carroll is a professional player on The US Players Tour who started taking lessons from me in 2013.

We get together for a swing session when his swing is way off, but usually I can email, text, or call him with instructions after he explains what's wrong with his ball flight. The vernacular with the swing method he uses is very specific, so we understand each other when I give him written or verbal instructions.

Here's an excerpt from am interview he gave after winning an event in Canada in September 2013:

Is there anyone you would like to thank ?

I have had the best support team in the world. I would like to take this time to thank Tom Tucker. He is my new golf coach and friend. He and I have been working for about three months now, and I see my game heading toward greatness. He is a huge help to me. In more ways then one.

Mini tour life is hard - not easy at all. He is a good guy to talk to and a great golf coach. I would have never been this good with my driver if I had not seen him.

I owe him a lot.

Hi Tom,

I am extremely glad that I decided to get the couples golf lesson package instead of just lessons for Josh. I enjoyed the lessons and feel that I am already a better golfer.

What I like most about the lessons are your pre lesson notes and prompt feed back. After each lesson I looked forward to your email to remind me of what my strongest points were, what drills I should concentrate on, and some recurring things I was doing incorrectly, and of course the encouragement that I am doing well!!

I can always refer to the notes (or your website) when I feel like I need a refresher.

Your prompt emails and detailed reviews showed that you truly cared about how we were doing and are invested in assisting us to becoming better golfers. What I love most is that after taking your lessons I have the confidence to go to the driving range or golf course on my own and I have the knowledge to know how to change my swing if I'm making mistakes.

Thank you so much for all of your help!! I would definitely recommend my friends to you!

You can use any quotes you like from my feedback, And also, I've been hitting my hybrids and driver so much better, still working on the 3 wood though!

Thanks Again,

Shannon Foley


Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you - but life got busy!

My feedback on your lessons:

They were great! It's obvious you know your stuff and I certainly appreciated you working with the different swing model I am trying to attain (Moe Norman). You helped me a lot.

Your website, your tips, your instruction, and your knowledge are are 1st class.

I am highly recommending you to any of my friends who are interested in taking some golf lessons.

I'm sure I'll be seeing you again....


Eric Bessette

Hi Tom,

Without a doubt, your golf instructions/lessons were the most comprehensive Diane and I ever received. The questionnaires we answered was a excellent first step in evaluating our playing experience, along with establishing teaching curriculum.

The after-action Lesson Comments (critiques) following each session is great feedback/reinforcement of what we are learning. The use of training aides and practical props to promote the proper swing paths and the delivery of a square club face were excellent.

After twenty years of playing golf, and lessons from countless instructors, we highly recommend you to all who want to improve their game.

Thanks Tom!

Rich and Diane

Hi Tom,

I really liked the lesson previews. It let me know you had a plan of what you wanted to teach, how you were going to teach it, and what the expected outcome would be. Post lesson feedback was very valuable for both Lynne and me. I feel more in control of outcomes if I understand the the theory of what I'm doing and then applying that theory into a real world situation.

I saw a huge improvement in Lynne's mechanics in all phases of the game.

You may remember I was leaving on a golf trip the weekend after our 4 lesson series ended.

Driving was good to very good - I hit 10 of 14 fairways and didn't have any drives that were horribly bad, a couple 180 to 200 yard "sky" balls but in the fairway. I was concentrating on not over swinging and keeping my swing path consistently from the inside. My shortest drives were when I was trying to kill it - lesson learned.

Putting was as good as I expected it to be, didn't hole a lot of putts but was consistently around the hole and pace was good for greens I'd never played before.

Here is something you will like. One of my playing partners who I had never met before told me I had the best impact position he'd ever seen in an amateur and compared it Johnny Miller....Johnny freaking Miller!

I see areas of definite improvement, and feel like I have a good foundation on which to practice and build my game. I'm looking forward to warmer weather and the opportunity to meet with you again to fine tune some swing mechanics. I also think I might want to do a driver fitting with you.


Steve & Lynn

Editors Note: this student is a 4 handicap player who took the fundamental putting lesson, then texted me this message the following day:

Hey Tom, it's Peter Igoe here - thanks for the summary email last night, I put it to the test today.

Played nine holes at my club, shot a boring 38 - 4 out of 7 fairways hit, 3 out of 9 greens in regulation, and 14 putts including 4 one putts (2 over 20 ft.)

Thanks for your help!

Dr. Peter Igoe

Hi Tom,

My daughter said I wowed her and our partners when I sank a 40+ ft. put yesterday at Terry Hills. I am using the putting grip you showed me and it's working well, thank you.

My drives have improved with what you showed me about setting up and finishing my swing, and my chipping is so much more controlled.

I totally enjoyed your lessons and will call you for a refresher lesson before the leagues start next year.

Thanks again,

Gillian Romano

Hi Tom,

I read every issue of your golf tips and this one struck close to home, especially the opening line.

" Does success need to happen before you get complete confidence, or does confidence breed success?"

From personal experience I can say the two go hand in hand. I don't have that natural swagger in my personality so I needed the success to develop the confidence. Those with the natural swagger (not arrogance) already have an level of inner confidence which probably helps them attain success at a faster pace. So, the answer to your question depends on the personality of the individual.

Case in point. The weakest part of my golf game has always been the long fairway shots, both irons and woods. I joined a golf league this year for the first time and my scores reflected the bad shots. I had no confidence in my swing because of all the bad shots, and I became overly cautious in my swing in an attempt to increase the accuracy. It didn't work. So, I went back and read the saved notes from our lessons and one aspect kept standing out -- practice, practice, practice.

For three straight days I went to the driving range, got a large bucket of balls, and hit nothing but the 5/7 woods and irons. The first day I hit a few good shots. The second, even more good shots and my body started to 'feel' the position it needed to be in during the swing (muscle memory). The third day even more good shots and I felt myself getting more confident/aggressive.

For the past 4 weeks in my league my golf partner is amazed at the transformation. My fairway shots are now one of my strongest points and he commented last Tuesday how much more aggressive my swing is and how well I'm hitting the ball. Yes, there's actually a little swagger there now.

Thanks again for the tips and lessons we had, I still refer back to my notes when I'm having problems.

This weekend I'll be working to improve my short game.

Jim Erck

Hi Tom,

Just got done practicing in 88 degree weather. I never would have done that before I took lessons from you.

The knowledge that you gave me now allows me to practice with a purpose. When I hit a good shot I know why it's good and more importantly when I hit a bad one I now know why! This gives me a real chance to improve my game. I already see an improvement in my driving and my chipping. I still have work to do with my irons and my putter.

I plan to continue to review your lesson plans and critiques of our sessions together. I also plan on playing and practicing a ton. I want to have another couple of sessions in September so I can continue to improve.

Thanks again for such great instruction!

Jack McCarthy

Editors Note: This was a spontaneous comment I received in an email from a ball striking lesson student - I didn't ask him for any feedback:


Great lesson today. I made better contact on iron shots than I have in my entire life. It really felt good to compress the ball properly.... I have been struggling to achieve a good impact position for over ten years ever since I saw a pro in Pennsylvania who told me I needed to work on it. I never experienced it until today.


Jim Arthur


Chris and I very much enjoyed our lessons with you. They were informative, enlightening and helpful. You are an excellent teacher and make it easy to understand your instructions.

We learned so much and I think that over time it will make a great difference in my game. Chris' game has already shown a huge improvement. His drive swing and resulting shots are very good. He has taken what you told him and incorporated them into his game.

My game needs work..I think I am doing what you instructed me to do, but Chris says I am missing at least one or two steps each time, so I will continue to work on them at the range and home.

Again, we would (and will) recommend you to anyone interested in improving their game. Your approach to teaching and the game of golf are refreshing and make learning fun.

Thanks so much for time. We may actually come back next year for follow up - and so you can see the results of your efforts with us!

Judy and Chris Whiteford

Thanks, Tom, for your patience!

We had so many things to correct. The items to practice and the clarification of our deficiencies are particularly enlightening, and your follow-up e-mails are an added bonus, plus your positive attitude was appreciated.

We would recommend you to anyone from high handicappers to very good golfers who maybe just need a small adjustment. In fact we already have recommended you to a couple of people.

Thanks again.

Pearl & Lee Hyatt


the lessons were very helpful and I feel better knowing that I got my money's worth. I have mentioned your help to my friends and suggested if they want some quality golf instruction, that they should see you.

Your golf tips in your newsletter are also very helpful and I look forward to them, so keep them coming.


Bob Bechtold


Many thanks for the ball striking lesson with Quinn on Saturday, I feel he really came away with a lot of knowledge about the swing.. we played after the lesson, and he hit some great iron shots from the fairway... he now loves those shots around the green and those 100 - 160 yard shots.

Thanks again,

Tim Plesums

Before starting my lessons with Tom Tucker, the best thing about my golf game was my outfit! Now I can add driving & putting to my "bests."

Tom's enthusiasm is contagious. He tailors each lesson to your individual strengths and weakness using repetitive drills and simple tools to help you "feel" the proper swing. He always provides a written summary of your lesson and gives you guidelines for practicing.

So thank you Tom, not only do I look like a golfer, now I play like one too!

Deborah Gillen


After playing golf for 10 or 11 years, my game was stagnant, there had been no improvement in a year's time.

In July of 2010, I took my first lesson with Tom Tucker at the Batavia Country Club.

After one year of working with Tom, my handicap is four strokes lower, and I lowered my personal best 18 hole score by 6 shots. This could not have happened without Tom's help.

Despite being 61 years old, I find that I am more motivated as a golfer, and perhaps more importantly, golf is now much more fun.

Thanks for the help Tom, and I am looking forward to more lessons.

Jim Mahoney


Good lesson yesterday. In hindsight I can see your logic in the sequencing of activities. Everything was seemingly coming together nicely yesterday. Yes, I thought that I hit some excellent shots, but that is not too unusual. In my introductory remarks I indicated that consistency was my greatest need. Previously, good shots were often a random activity. I didn't know precisely why a shot was excellent and the next one awful. But now I understand the "why" much better based on the many tips you provided.

Here's what I liked about my lessons:

  • the sequencing of activities as I mentioned above;
  • your use of anecdotal stories and research results (it is too easy to forget the detail, but your interesting stories/quips are what I will remember and they, I think, will help trigger the correct memory response);
  • your follow-up comments (emails) and your judicious use of positive reinforcement (spoken from a long time educator);
  • your backup information sheets online - excellent resource to complement the training sessions;
  • your experience and competence shows which supports the credibility of what you are saying (spoken from a long time golfer);
  • your use of training "props" - these were excellent to make a point or stimulate learning through visual feedback;
  • you gave me your fullest attention and were always enthusiastic;
In total, this was an excellent learning experience. I never had formal lessons before and did not know what to expect. But after the first session, I was looking forward to each subsequent lesson. I've thanked my son many times already for his well thought gift. His only problem now is having to listen to me give new golf tips and stories when we play. Oh, I've become a terror putting on my rug. The new grip works wonders. I feel little tension in the arms and have much greater "feel" for the shot. I can't wait to impress my golf buddies on a real course (and as I mentioned yesterday, I would not be surprised if they showed up at one of your lessons - I have been very complementary).

Thank you for your time and patience. And if I can get my foot healed and back on the course, I'll be sure to pass on details of the next "great round".

Feel free to use any of these remarks for your testimonial needs.

Now I am off to the back yard to practice chipping.

Thomas Golaszewski, Ed.D. Professor, SUNY @ Brockport

Hi Tom,

I just got back today from Lake Placid,where we attended a wedding and I was able to play 18 holes at White face CC. I was excited about playing because of what I had learned from my lessons and I felt now was the time to apply what you had taught me. I had a good round of 80 from the white tees and my only bird came on the first hole, I think the guys I was playing with thought I might be a ringer but I assured them that this doesn't happen to me often and its probably going to be all down hill from here.

What you taught me about the inside out swing and my misses being right worked to my benefit that day,I had very few misses.

Your instructions/lessons were a lot of fun for me and the training aids for hand roll and inside out swing will keep me in form when I'm not playing. I will practice all that you showed me this year and probably see you again in the spring next year.

Thanks again for all your great help.

Bob Vanelli

PS..Feel free to quote me.


Thank you very much for the patience you extended me during my lessons. I had developed some bad habits trying to learn on my own,but thanks to you I think I have improved greatly. I had a 37 a few weeks ago. It would not have been possible without your help and instruction.

Again thanks for your help.

Deve Benty

Hey Tom,

I don't have anything but positive remarks to give you. It is easy to tell that you enjoy teaching, and seeing your students do well.

I liked the way you based the instruction on our progress; for example, if I caught on to a task we moved quickly to the next one, but if I was struggling in an area we would go back to the basics until I got it.

You gave plenty of feedback and enough training drills to keep me busy for a while, I will definitely come back to you for future lessons and would recommend you to anyone asking.

Thanks again,

Jason Schug

Hi Tom,

Just want to thank you for your excellent teaching techniques and help in identifying flaws in my golf swing/putting.

I have already seen a 10 stroke improvement in my score.

Again thanks and I would highly recommend you to anyone wanting to improve their golf game.

Keith Thompson

Editors Note:This particular testimonial was unsolicited. It would be hard to believe except for the fact that Keith had played professional baseball, and my experience with athletes that have competed at a high level is that they seem to be able to focus extremely well on instruction. Plus - in the past he had been a pretty good golfer ..... Tom


It was nice hearing from you so promptly. Thank you for the feedback. I learned a lot in the few sessions that I had with you. I know I have a long way to go, but if I know my faults, then I can eliminate my faults. There wasn't anything I could tell you to improve on.

Additionally, the chipping and putting lesson changed my game. I cannot tell you how much you have helped me around the green. Such simple changes have yielded drastic results.

Keep up the good work, I will be recommending you whenever anyone asks. I'll be seeing you around, take care.

Jeremy Squire

Good morning Tom,

I haven't been able to get back to you because work has kept me busy and I haven't had the chance to play much golf. I did go to the practice range often and worked on all your lessons. Feel free to quote anything as a testimonial.

Here's the good news. As you know the majority of my golf scores in the past have been in the low 100's range. It was very frustrating to constantly mishit the ball or, when I did make good contact, watch it hook or slice into an unplayable lie. That has now changed.

I played a round at Lake Shore yesterday and had the best round of my life; 42+47=89. This was my first sub 90 round. Every aspect of my game has improved dramatically (tee shots, fairway shots, chipping/pitching and putting) and it was a great feeling to finally not be the worst golfer in the group. I still hit some bad shots but those are now the exception and not the norm.

Your lessons helped me cut 10+ strokes off my game and, with additional practice and playing time, I'm optimistic the scores will go even lower.

What I liked about your lessons:

I'd taken lessons from two different instructors in the past. Their method was to watch me swing a club and make a few adjustments. It may have helped temporarily but long term I went back to my old habits because the foundation of my game was flawed.

What I liked most about your method of instruction was that you taught me, from the ground up, the CORRECT body position and how to swing the clubs. Compared to how I was playing before it feels much more natural and I actually had a few comments yesterday from the other players on what a great golf swing I now have. It's resulted in better accuracy and increased distance with less effort on my part.

What I didn't like about your lessons: There wasn't much I didn't like. I'm an analytical person and you gave me a lot of information to process. At one point I was feeling a little informational overload. But, with your notes (and a lot of practice, practice, practice) I was able to put it all together.

Closing comments: I will highly recommend you to anyone that wants to improve their golf game and would suggest they take the full package of lessons. You provide the foundation to turn anyone into a good golfer.

Thanks again,

Jim Erck


Thanks again for the lessons, I learned a lot.

I have been playing golf sporadically since high school but I never had any lessons. This year for Fathers day I asked my family to get me golf lessons. My reason for wanting lessons was I wanted to hit the ball farther than I have been.

On the first lesson I found out I needed more help than just distance. Tom was very patient and showed me the proper grip, stance, ball placement, and the proper pace for the ball. It was very surprising to me that it is not how hard you hit the ball but hitting it in the right place and having a good pace in your swing.

Once Tom showed me how to properly set up to the ball he showed me a very simple swing that I picked up very quickly and I was immediately hitting the ball straight. Tom also sent me e-mails before each lesson to prepare myself and he backed that up with a set of drills that I could take home with me. Tom also showed me what I was doing wrong when I miss hit the ball or if it didn't go straight.

The next surprise was when I was able to take what I learned to the golf course. For the first time since I started golfing I was consistently hitting the ball clean and straight. I still have a problem with distance but I learned that it was more important to me to hit the ball clean and straight. Tom explained to me that after I get more comfortable with what he taught me the easier it will be later on to get better distance by properly turning my body in the backswing and the finish.

Whether you are just getting started or if you are like me and looking to get more serious about your game then Tom is the right person to teach you about golf. In a very short period of time Tom can take you from the basics to applying the swing he teaches to fit your own abilities that results in giving you more confidence on the course.

John Palillo

Hi Tom-

Sorry it took me so long to reply - it's been a crazy week here in the lab (not crazy enough to keep me from practicing, though!). So, I'll start by saying that there wasn't anything that I didn't like about my lessons. I thought the notes beforehand were great - it always makes me feel better knowing what I'm "getting into" beforehand. I also liked the different drills that you showed me.

I think it's great when someone can really help improve your swing without even having to use or hit a ball. That way, when I can't get to the range or somewhere to hit balls, I can still practice and feel like I'm improving.

Most of all, though, I think I liked the fact that you were patient, didn't get frustrated, and didn't let ME get frustrated. I can tell you really enjoy what you do, you're passionate about it, and the information in each lesson conveys well to others because of it.

Thanks a lot for everything!

Dr. Kimberly Prohaska
Post-doctoral Associate
Biochemistry and Biophysics Scientist
OyaGen, Inc.

Hi Tom-

Since completing my series of advanced putting lessons, I have seen steady improvement in all aspects of my putting. I owe you a big thank you for the increased confidence I now have as I approach greens.and for the improvement in my average putts per round. My enhanced ability to read my line, control ball speed and stroke the ball with the pure pendulum swing you teach has already paid dividends in terms of improved performance.

The big bonus I wasn't counting on comes from the practice drills you use during the lessons. Anyone serious about improving can continue to do so after the lessons are over because you very systematically lay out the fundamentals and use practice drills which can be replicated by the student to provide positive, concrete feedback- the gold standard in motor learning!

Since I desire to know "why" as well as "how" when learning something, I found your willingness and ability to communicate exceptional. Am I a satisfied student? Absolutely, and I got more for my money than I ever dreamed I would and had fun to boot! Thank you.

Diane DeBacy

Hi Tom, you can go ahead and use any comments from this email as a testimonial.

Thank you again for the great lessons. My golf game has taken a 180 degree turn and I am playing the best golf ever! Prior to the lesson I was shooting in the high 90s. The last two times out I shot an 87 and an 83!

What's more important is that I am enjoying the game. You have a great teaching style that works well with both of us. The couples lesson was a great thing for us to do together. Janell's swing is coming along nicely as long as she remembers not to take her club back too far.

Thanks again for all of your help and we will keep in touch!

Kory Kitagawa


I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed my golf lessons. My ball striking consistency has improved considerably and my putting has shown a huge improvement since taking lessons from you. I really appreciated your ability to explain proper swing positions and dynamics through drills and demonstrations. Your patience and understanding were instrumental to success in correcting my alignment and my change to a more rotary swing. I left each lesson with the tools and motivation needed to work at improving my game.

All drills and technique aside, the best part about taking lessons from you is that the lessons were fun and I had a great time. I would highly recommend your lessons to anyone looking to improve their swing and enjoyment of golf.

A fun time and play better golf,you can't lose.

Thank you,

Brian D. Mongi

Dear Tom,

Thank you so much for being so, so patient!!! Keith and I reallly enjoyed the golf lessons and also your teaching expertise!

We feel your positive approach is your most outstanding attribute!! You always made the lessons fun and made us feel comfortable even when we made mistakes!! We were also impressed with your knowledge and skill of the game of golf. You really make it look too easy!!!

As a former teacher, I liked knowing what you were going to teach, and your objectives for those goals. Using the many props to teach the different techniques was very helpful and allowed us to "feel" and "see" what skill you wanted us to learn. (Use of all modalities!)

Thank you for all the golf notes! We will certainly be using them each time we practice.

To use your quote, "You cannot get what you've never had unless you're willing to do what you've never done"!! We will practice and we will get better at this game!!!

Thank you again for all your help. Feel free to use any part of this letter as a testimonial.


Keith and Carol Corona-Willey

Thanks Tom for the great lessons! You gave me a much better understanding of my body movements & of the game in general. The drills we did were extremely helpful. The more I practice them, the better my shots get. I now know my biggest problems are not turning my shoulders & keeping my left arm straight. I have improved quite a bit though & feel much more confident!

Brian & I had a lot of fun. Thanks again for all of your help! Feel free to quote me.

Danielle Cook

Hi Tom, thank you for the opportunity to give some feed back. I found your classes to be very helpful and informative. My putting and chipping have greatly improved, meaning that I have started to shave strokes off my game, being a one or two times a week player. I know that with time and persistence I will be playing a mid 90's game, which I look forward to very soon. I believe that anyone no matter how young or old or good you are could benefit form Mr. Tuckers classes.

Andrew B. Fuller

Hi Tom,

I play on a league and carry a high handicap, which frustrates me. After 3 lessons I noticed my drives were straighter and had more distance. The guys on my team asked me what I had done to achieve this. I said I was taking golf lessons. Their comment was, "I was surely getting my money's worth". I hope with practice I can apply this knowledge to the rest of my game. I was very impressed with all the teaching aids Tom had acquired. I would highly recommend anyone taking these classes. Whatever your skill level is, you can always learn something to improve your game. Tom always e-mailed the structure of the lesson ahead of time. This will be a great reference to have in the future. The closing statement of the end of each lesson was "you cannot get what you've never had unless you're willing to do what you've never done". This statement impressed me very much.. It's not only true in golf but true in life.

Thanks again - Dave Aradine

I really picked up several new skills. Several of them are working quite well. My drives are much better and hopefully I can pick up more distance with time. I really am glad I took the classes. Practice make everything better!!

Marie Aradine

(Editors note: Bonnie participated in a couples lesson)

It was a pleasure working with you, Tom. Your patience, knowledge and excitement for the sport shows in every lesson you gave. You were able to coach a very experienced golfer while teaching someone who has never been on a golf course! Thank you for all you gave us!

Bonnie Pusateri

Tom, First of all, thank you very much for an outstanding lesson. This is exactly what I was hoping for and I understand the details you were conveying. I have already been practicing in the basement on my 16' practice green (putting & chipping). I have also been putting in my living room with a training aid being 2 balls connected, trying to putt them straight ( helps with alignment of the putter stroke, rolling to the left if toe hits first, and right if heel hits first ).

I'll try the weakening of the left hand, and firming it per your advice

Appreciate the help as always,

W. C. "Twilly" Lynch

P.S. Thanks for the extra time also

Tom, Sorry my response took a while, it's tough for me to keep on top of my personal e-mails!

In regard to the lesson, I think it was very well executed. I appreciated the fact that it was structured and progressive, each segment of the swing taught and practiced until the end when we could put it all together.

I don't think I can think of a lesson in which the swing was broken down like that for me. I actually think I understand what the heck I've been doing wrong all this time! I can "feel" what my body has to do to execute a good swing and it's nothing fancy or hard to understand.

I think half of my problem is I have very poor body awareness, so when someone tells me to move a certain way I really have a hard time sensing what they want me to do. Pointing out how my arms should feel (passive) and what my shoulders should be doing(rotating )was a first. I think the drills will be most helpful, I appreciate the visuals that go along with them so I can make sure I'm practicing correctly.

It must be tough to have to teach people at various levels all in the same group but you accomplished it!

I'll actually be looking forward to the beginning of golf season for a change! Thanks much and you can certainly use any part of my comments if you'd like!

Beth Rich

Hi Tom,

I enjoyed the lesson very much. As I noted earlier, I've been playing this game for a long time so I have some deeply engrained bad habits that always seem to rear their ugly head (usually toward season end) and in retrospect, it's probably because of the timing required to keep my current swing together. I like the philosophy of your technique,and with steady practice and implementation on the course, I feel that the simplicity of this swing will allow me to lower my score. Now if I could only putt. (That's another lesson)!

Beth and I enjoy your passion for the game and we love playing together, so hopefully, this will help her to enjoy the game more. She get's frustrated while playing and I'm a worse teacher than a golfer.

You covered a lot in an hour so we will follow up with you in the spring with another lesson so you can evaluate our progress and will look forward to a round at your course, (I've never played BCC).

Best regards, Jeff Rich

Hi Tom,

We both wanted to thank you for the great lesson.

Destry and I both learned many new things about the rotary swing and many other key techniques for improving our golf skills. For me, it was so much to think about, because I am a self-taught golfer (I'm sure it shows).

Destry enjoys your instruction greatly. I am hoping we may be able to "swing" a few more lessons this spring/summer.

Thanks again,

Bob and Destry Mullen (Editors note: father and son)


I was very pleased with the lesson. I thought that you did a great job describing the three swings and the differences. I thought the lesson was packed with useful information; especially the drills.

I plan to practice them and hope to gain consistency. I believe that you provided a very sound starting point for that - from knowledge and drills.

I would not hesitate to recommend the indoor lesson to my friends. Thank you for the additional thoughts.

Chad MayerHofer


I really liked the class. I like how you're really concerned about our game. The only thing is that it just went by too quickly.....

It was really nice of you to take the extra time to help us. There was so much information that you presented us with in such a short period of time. It's great having someone there to check your swing.

I think what you taught me will help,it certainly is different from my swing. I think that just keeping more weight on my left leg is going to be a major thing. I also feel stronger bending a little more with a wider stance. I was too straight up and I never felt confident that I could hit the ball solid most of the time.

I think I remember all of the drills and how to do them but I was wondering if you could have a brief explanation after each one on how to do them and what they're meant to do. For example, the towel drill,which I really liked, but I don't remember exactly where the towel was suppose to be on my back swing. I know on the follow through it's suppose to be a mirror image of your back swing. I know that the wrists are suppose to be ahead of the club,is there a drill that will help with this?

[ Editors Note: In response to Stephen's feedback, I installed the key drills for this lesson on web pages for review, the student gets the links as part of their notes...Tom ]

..........Thank you for everything and I know your classes will help a lot of golfers.

Stephen Kolbert

Tom, Just a thank you for all of your patience during my golf lessons. Your method of teaching is very easy going, and is just what I needed to get a better feel for what I may be doing wrong. so thanks again,

Dave Larson

Coach Tom,

Elyn and I thought the lessons were great! We learned and had fun at the same time. We liked the way you taught and the use of the training aides. The only problem Elyn had was the technical or theory that was talked about at times. But this was a lot clearer with the notes after the lessons. The drills to prepare for the next lessons were a good way to prepare for the lesson. I particularly liked the post lesson notes. I have put them on 4x6 cards so I can reference them on the course. Feel free to use any quotes we have sent you.

As a couple, this was the most fun we have had in a long time. The atmosphere was structured, yet loose. We not only learned the basics of the game of golf, but had fun in the process. Coach Tom is very knowledgeable and methodical in his teaching of the game. We looked forward to each lesson and took what we learned and applied it to the game. It made playing more fun. With each lesson we both could "feel" that we were getting better and had become "excellent" putters in a few short lessons! If anyone is thinking about getting involved in golf as a couple, then Coach Tuckers' lessons are for you! It is the best investment that we have made in a long time. Thank you Coach!

Henry & Elyn Moscicki

Note: Mr. & Mrs. Moscicki have two sons that participate in the BCC Junior Golf Camp, and since the kids call me coach it kind of stuck...Tom

I told Tom that I'd write a Testimonial for him so others can read and learn what type of an instructor, and person Tom really is, so here goes.

When I first heard of Tom Tucker, I was amazed at the number of people who already knew him or heard of him, and many of those people were folks I already considered to be good golfers, so I knew right away that I made the right choice in selecting him to instruct me.

I knew within 10 minutes of meeting Tom that "this guys knows his stuff", and he CAN & WILL help my game and skill level. One of the best things about Tom is his passion for teaching the game is as great as mine for wanting to learn it, and improve at it! We hit it off very well, and after taking his advice and just learning to settle down, I really started to hit some beautiful "pure golf shots". It's amazing, I bought all those DVD's, and magazines, and until after my lessons started to develop, they never made sense, they sure do now.

Tom takes the time to discuss what your swing flaw is, and corrects it there and then - he does not just tell you what you are doing wrong and send you on your way. He gives you several checkpoints to use to evaluate and correct what went wrong, all the while keeping this with a positive spin. He's a firm believer in teaching the correct way to swing, and not apply a band-aid swing fix.

Tom's level of professionalism is great. Put your trust in him, you will improve, and have so much more fun in the game.

Tom always makes you feel like you're a golfer. He instills confidence in you, so you know that when faced with a shot that you have that shot, and that club, and believe you can achieve it. I now know there are many ways to accomplish a shot I am faced with. I've learned a great deal about myself, and really about the game of golf. It's actually not that complicated once you start putting the pieces together. Trust in what he's telling you, I promise, the game is so much more fun once you understand ball flight, swing methods, and start to hit those pure shots, and best of all, do them when you want to! Anyone serious about the game, or wants to have more fun, or really wanting to get better would benefit from working with Tom.

One thing I realized, I know this is a business for Tom, but I never, ever, once felt like it was. It was more like a mentor teaching someone skills that they could continue to work on and see results. It seemed the more questions I threw at Tom, the more accomplished I grew, the more innovative challenges he'd come up with to help me progress towards my golf goals.

Tom, thanks for all the information, patience, and just listening and understanding. I'm lucky to call you a friend.

Tim Plesums

Hi Tom,

I thoroughly enjoyed each of the 4 lessons on putting, chipping, pitching and full swing. You were quite detailed and specific, first dealing with basic fundamentals, then gearing your teaching skills to my specific swing, mistake, problem or execution.

You gave thoughtful constructive criticism when needed, and positive feedback when warranted. I especially liked the teaching drills, many of them in rapid succession, which helped to make the mind and body memorize the movement. I also appreciated it when you told me to stop when you noticed I was doing something incorrectly, take a step back, practice the move as taught, then resume the activity specific to the skill, whether it be the chip, put pitch or full swing. You used a full array of teaching tools as well, which helped to further your point or aid in my development.

Finally, I like the idea of getting immediate feedback, on the spot and through timely emails with all the teaching instruction, drills and tips reviewed so that I can remind myself right after each lesson and copy them for continued reference.

Thanks for your efforts. I will be playing now with more confidence and am looking forward to improved scores.

I will let you know about seeking further lessons. Please keep me on your mailing list if you decide to do further instruction clinics.

Thanks, and my best,
Carl De Luca

p.s. I do not mind if you quote me.


Thanks so much for the golf lessons. We have gotten the chance to play and already see a great improvement in our game. We appreciate the individualized critiques through email and are able to watch each other to correct our problems. We look forward to many more hours of playing and improving our golf.

We have truly enjoyed our lessons!

Thanks again,

Chad and Melissa Maniace

Hi Tom,

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I wanted to play a few times before I gave you some feedback.


What a big improvement in my putting. I am averaging 1 & 2 putts with a rare 3 putt. I have more confidence when I address the ball, whether it is a tee, fairway or chipping shot. I am hitting the ball farther and straighter from the tee. I know now how each shot should be played and I practice doing it the correct way. I really enjoyed your organization and teaching methods.

Your follow-up notes are very helpful. I have copied key points to work on, onto index cards and carry them with me. I also love learning from someone who has a true passion for what they are doing. The best thing is I am having fun playing with a lot less frustration. The great thing is I parred a hole, beat Dick (Sharon's husband) on the same hole and tied with him on 2 other holes.

Tom, thanks again for your time and patience.

Sharon Hartman


I want to thank you again for all of the time you spent teaching me how to chip. I practiced all of last week, and then played nine holes with a friend. I want you to know that I actually shaved TEN STROKES off of my usual score. I can honestly say that at least six of those strokes were due to improved chipping.


Nancy Hoag


Thanks so much for your patience with me. I thought you were very professional but also friendly and helpful. I liked the helpful hints and the practice drills - the lessons moved along nicely without being rushed. Also the email follow ups are very useful for me. Reading over the next day what we did and how to improve really helps it sink in. After a little practice I would like to continue working with you.

Craig Yunker

Hello, Tom

I thought your lessons and follow-up notes were great. I especially appreciate the follow-up notes, because not everything is absorbed during the instruction period. I really liked that you started with putting, because in my opinion, as a first time golfer, it is the least intimidating. It made sense to me to progress from the small ball to the long ball. I also appreciated your advice on etiquette at the golf course.

As a professional instructor, you never made your beginner students feel inadequate, and you took our lesson time very seriously. In one instance, I recall a couple of your acquaintances walked over to the practice area where our lesson was being held, and after you greeted your friends, you told them that you'd really love to chat, but couldn't because you were involved in our lesson. I appreciated that.

In all, your group lesson was beneficial to me and I have already recommended you to another golfer wanna-be.

Linda Risewick

Hi Tom:

My apologies for not responding to your last e-mail sooner. I just finished a week of vacation, and am pleased to say my husband and I golfed everyday. The money for the golf lessons was well spent, and I wished I would have taken them sooner. I can't believe how much I have improved with just 3 lessons (and neither can my husband - he may be e-mailing you also). It has made golf much more enjoyable for both of us.

What I found most helpful was the way you were able to stop me at any point in my swing and correct whatever I was doing wrong at that time. My full-swing shots have increased dramatically both in distance and accuracy. I also appreciate the e-mail feedback and have used your notes to help reinforce what I learned from your lessons.

Feel free to use any of my comments as testimonial. I am interested in taking more lessons from you, although my schedule varies each week. I deeply appreciate your patience. You're an extremely good teacher.

Mary McCarthy

Hi Tom,

When I signed up for your golf lessons, it was because I really knew next to nothing about what I should be doing on the golf course. I found your lessons extremely helpful for all aspects of the game.

Learning the proper stance for each club from the putter to the drivers and how to swing each club was a terrific help for me. I used to stand stiff legged and try to kill the ball. Naturally, I had no idea why it went where it did. Now, when a ball goes left or right, I know what I did wrong, and I have actually corrected the balls flight on the range! Also, I have hit a couple of balls that just sounded different than any other balls I have ever hit in my life. And they flew far and straight. Now I know why golf is so addictive.

Thank you very much for the help. I can actually say I got more from your lessons than I hoped for. Yes, of course you may use anything I said as a testimonial if you would like to.

Dave Reichert

Hi Tom, Enjoyed all the lessons. My chip shots and putting have improved. Reduced my putting to mostly two strokes after on the green. Chipping is more accurate and better loft getting to the green. You are very knowledgeable and have great teaching tools. I appreciate the review of lessons and tips you have e-mailed me. I enjoyed working with you and will recommend you to others.

Dick Hartman

Hi Tom:

I was very pleased with all aspects of your teaching. You packed a lot of information into 60 minutes and the email reteach was very helpful for reinforcement. I also agreed with your philosophy of teaching from the hole back. Everyone got an equal amount of attention and the class size was just right. The putting aids were very useful. You used terminology everyone could grasp and added personal stories of interest. The whole experience was very worthwhile and well worth the investment of time and money. Thank you. I would like to follow-up with a few lessons to cure my tendency of pushing the ball to the right.

Don Hawkins

Hey Tom,

I am very satisfied with my game right now. I want to thank you for all of your advice and instruction. I would like to say that after going to a number of other instructors, you are my favorite. You showed a lot of interest in my game during our lessons and also through email. I really appreciate it. I liked the 3 lesson combo because it hit every aspect of the game for the most part. Another thing that I liked was the drills and tips on how to correct my swing or stroke. You are very organized and professional at what you do. There is nothing about our 3 lessons that I didn't like. Again I would like to thank you for working with me and I'm sure I will be back for another lesson. As long as my game keeps heading in the right direction I think I will just continue getting reps on the range and practicing what we have gone over.

Thanks for everything

Best Wishes,
Jeremy Kern


Thanks so much for the lesson .....we all enjoyed it. This is my 4th season golfing, so it's been difficult this year, because I no longer can blame all of my bad shots on being a beginner.

You certainly have a gift to teach.......I felt 99.9% more confident with my putting after you showed us a good grip, stance, and approach to the pin. Thanks for the email with tips for improving my game.

Thanks again
Jill Klotzbach

Tom -

Sorry I haven't e-mailed you sooner, we were out of town. I'm e-mailing with feedback for the lessons. I am becoming a very good putter since your class. I have gotten to the point where I no longer fear any kind of putt. As for chipping, I am still adjusting to distance in relation to whatever club I happen to choose. I just chipped in yesterday from about 30feet; I much better at that aspect, as well as pitching.

After taking your 3 lessons, I am much more confident, especially from approx. 100yds. and in.

It was a great lesson plan.

Thanks again,
John Lonergan

Thanks again, Tom for introducing and teaching me to golf. It was more enjoyable than I imagined. Your excitement about the game was contagious.

When teaching me a skill, you were very clear. The feedback was so helpful. It is a tremendous help to receive emails with review notes. I print them out and read them a few times in a day (especially on days that I golf on a course). The drills will really improve my strokes and give me the strength that I need.

I am optimistic about improving. I think by August, I should be golfing much better!! I will call you when I need a short brush up lesson but for now I need to practice ALL that you showed me. Enjoy the great summer,

Kathy Bettors

Last year I was walking off the course with 9 holes at 58-65 strokes. This year has been anywhere from 51-56. Almost 10 strokes off my game and still imporoving. I haven't had over an 8 on a hole in awhile and that is a HUGE improvement for me.

I feel like I know what I need to do. Whether I get up there and do it will be something that comes with time but at least I can tell now when I am doing something incorrectly or when I do it correctlly.

Thank you again Tom for all your instruction, patience and good humor during the lessons.

Michelle Scafetta

Note: the day after her Pitching Lesson - summer 2006 - Michelle called me to tell me she had her first ever hole-in-one. I guess she'll have to teach me that shot! Tom

The golf lessens were absolutely money well spent. It is now up to me to make it happen.

I had played in a tournament a couple weeks back and began to apply my new techniques. It was shaky at best, which told me to get back to practicing the skills you taught me. A comment from one of my golf partners was "I can tell what kind of shot you will have on how you approach the ball." He made me aware that when I applied your techniques, my shots were exactly how they should go. My biggest problem at that tournament was that I was too anxious to hit perfect shots all the time.

Here is my assessment: It is going to take me a while to break my old habits. I have proven that your methods work and that I have to break away from my "sins of the past". The only way I can accomplish that is to practice the basics.

I am in it for the long haul so you'll see me again for more lessons or even a "refresher".

Don't change a thing, I liked your approach and appreciate the extra attention you gave me!

Todd Bender

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WGTF "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
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